About Us

Behind Jeevalaya

Coming from a combination of two Sanskrit words, Jiva meaning ‘living being’ and Alaya ‘temple’, Jeevalaya believes in making remarkable transformations at the cellular level.

Using a synergy of 10+ alternative sciences, we are on a mission to unveil a new realm of well-being, bringing profound relief to those battling Epilepsy, Parkinson's, Women's health issues and a range of incurable diseases.

Located remotely in the Melagiri Hills of Tamil Nadu, India, along with our operations headquarters in Bangalore, India, we

  1. Consult with you and identify the core problem through practices like medical astrology and counselling

  2. You will be given a detailed treatment plan along with customized Ayurvedic medicines (if needed).

  3. Follow-ups and progress tracking along with course correction will take place throughout the course of your treatment

Our Locations

the Estate

An extraordinary wellness resort nestled amidst the serene Melagiri hills.

the Office

The Head-Quarters of all our Operations.