Jeevalaya Epilespy Research update

Jeevalaya has been actively engaged in epilepsy research since its inception. Over the years, we have made significant strides toward providing analytical validation for predicting the timing of the next seizure based on historical patient data. The essential learning we share within the framework of neuroscience protocols, particularly concerning epilepsy, emphasizes the importance of maintaining a detailed data log of each seizure event. This log must certainly encompass critical information such as the time, date, and location of the seizure, as well as important observations regarding froth, the duration for which the seizure lasted, and various environmental factors such as specific smells, actions, sounds, or activities occurring at that time. By leveraging this comprehensive input, our data AI model and analytics team at Jeevalaya have been able to enhance the accuracy of predictive seizure models, which significantly aids families and caregivers in planning their daily routines. We are also dedicated to expanding our predictive capabilities to encompass various geographic regions across India and around the world.

