Loka - Purusha Samya

Loka - Purusha Samya

The main objective of Ayurveda is to maintain health for healthy individual & healing the suffer from diseases.  

Swasthasya Swastharakshanama Turasya Vikara Prashamanam Ca

Meaning: Ayurveda aims at the protection and maintenance of good health of the healthy people and elimination of and control over the ailments and health -disorders of the unhealthy.

What is health?

Balancing the body Doshas Agni Dhatus (tissues) and Malakriya (encoction) or when all these are in balanced state then a person is called healthy.

There is a strong connection between a human body & Universe i.e the component of internal environment is same as external.  This Universe is made of Pancha maha bhutas (5 elements) Our body is also made of Panchamahabhootas

A person dies considered healthy when this internal & external environment are in coordination or equilibrium.

When there is Asanyata (inequilibrium) there will be sickness and disease. So this condition of equilibrium is capacity of an individual to adjust himself according to his environment.

Sarva Dravyam Panchabhautika i.e every thing in the universe is made up of Pancha mahabhutas. (5 elements) - Pritvi, Aap, Tej, Vayu, Akasha. Same thing with human body. The Dhatus (Tissue) are made of Panchamahabhootas.

Loka Purusha Samya has its importance not just in healing the body but also in understanding the life.

Universe Study has given us plenty of innovations and similar study is captured by studying the human anatomy and body.


Ketu Nakshatras Ashwini, Magha & Moola


As per Season (Ritu) : Food, Exercise, Lifestyle and Sleep to be maintained