In Ayurveda, the three DoshasVata, Pitta, and Kapha—are the fundamental energies that govern our physical and mental health. Each individual is born with a unique combination of these Doshas, determined by genetic and environmental factors at the time of conception.

  1. Vata is characterized by air and space, and it governs movement, creativity, and communication. Those with a dominant Vata Dosha are typically energetic and imaginative but may experience anxiety or restlessness if out of balance.

  2. Pitta is associated with fire and water, governing metabolism, transformation, and intellect. Pitta individuals are often driven and focused but can become overly aggressive or hot-tempered when their Dosha is unbalanced.

  3. Kapha embodies earth and water, responsible for structure, stability, and nourishment. Individuals with a strong Kapha Dosha tend to be calm and reliable but may struggle with lethargy or attachment if imbalanced.

While our birth Doshas provide a baseline of constitution, they are not static. Environmental factors, lifestyle choices, diet, and stress can lead to changes in the Doshas over time. Regular practices like proper nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness can help maintain balance and harmony among the Doshas, ensuring a healthier, happier life.


Sound Healing: An Ancient Practice for Modern Illnesses
